Jason Andrew Kassies

Full Stack developer

My first experience with programming was in 2016 in my first year of college, I had to take a C programming class and I absolutly loved it. After completing first year of that program, I transfered into Software Engineering and never looked back. While I was in school, I gained a wide array of knowledge about all kinds of technologies and languages. I have also discovered a new passion of mine, for always thinking about how the technology I am using is implemented, I find myself always wondering what the code looks like and how it connects to the world around it.

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Development experience

Over the last 5 years I have used many languages and technologies, with that comes an ability to learn new things quickly and how to solve problems that come with learning new things. Although my experience may have a little bit of everything, I do default to writing C# or C++ in a Visual Studio IDE.

Part time job

I first got my security license in 2019, I got it because I needed a part time job while in school to help pay rent and I figured it would be better than going back to Tim Horton's. I quickly fell in love with the job, and hope to continue to work as security on weekends and meet new people when COVID allows for it.

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